Woodcock Guide Service

    To every woodcock hunter in the Atlantic Flyway, Cape May, New Jersey is known as a major gathering place for the birds. Woodcock traveling down the coast are funneled into this famous peninsula and pile up at the tip to wait for a favorable wind before they make the long crossing over Delaware Bay. A similar buildup takes place in Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, where woodcock gather in late November. By the time these northern birds reach Cape May in December, they have been joined by populations flying out of New Brunswick, Quebec, Maine, Connecticut, and New York. 

-Jerome Robinson, Sports Afield



  1. Since hunting will be in thick, damp covers, brush pants or chaps are necessary and waterproof boots.
  2. Two hundred square inches of blaze orange is reguired by the state of New Jersey. A hat is sufficient.
  3. Maximum shooting range will be about 15yards; therefore we suggest a 20 or 28 gauge gun with shot no larger that 7 1/2.
  4. All hunting laws and regulations must be obeyed.
  5. Price of hunt $450 for two.


I am also available to guide at my local three shooting preserves or your private club for my guiding fee plus travel expenses.